Thursday, January 3, 2008: 8:35 AM
HAHA dorcas typed this while we are in translation class. the funniest is, she wrote a lot of comments for translation while do SET for culture. (oops. my phrasing abit like oni le! HAHA) so understand? LOL
did alot of gossiping and mugging ytd in pascal! so stressed. but somehow HAHA i think we all will pass for both the test lo~ my sixth sense. dun pass well at least dun fail. if not, XX will sure say we top in time le. (so when are we topping in distance? HAHA ok~ i m lame...)oh ya.. sarah had jap test ytd too! i hope she did well for it =D
hehe! after deciding to save money, i started calculation every cents i took to n fro sch. guess how much? 3$!!! ok~ not too bad cos the mrt trip from cck to tpy is 2.12$! HAHA haiz~~~ how can everything start to increase price. even the cai tou que (carrot cake) near my hse increase by 0,50$ lah! and the very nice bbq chicken wing has increased by 0.20$! omg~