Friday, December 21, 2007: 7:13 PM
if u were thinking
if u were thinking that being the only kiddo at home is great,
then shut ur bloody mind off and get ur idiotic brain washed.
if u were thinking that being a man in a woman's body is great,
then go, go ahead and try the damn feeling when u wanna cry n cannot.
if u were thinking that being a girl is the greatest thing in the world,
then try being manipulate by people around you.
if u were thinking i m fortunate,
then go blow your head off ur neck!!!
i really really detest being your kiddo!
i will leave you!
dun worry that i will die just like how u think i will die if i went hk all alone,
cos i will live my life to how i want my life to be
and i will nv go into any of ur hugs again
i wanna grow up!
i dun wan to be my mum's kiddo
that stupid kiddo who was bullied by her classmates
that idiot kiddo who believe whatever her mum says and end up being heartbroken
that damn kiddo who jus can't have a stable house to stay let alone family
i dun wan to be my kid's mum
that stupid mum who can't give her kid a complete family
that idiot mum who can't fulfil whatever she promises
that damn mum who keep breaking her kid's heart
i dun wan
i hate it
i hate to cry in front of the laptop!
cant anyone just think of me?