Tuesday, January 1, 2008: 2:41 PM
last day
last day of the pathetic holidays and i am jus taking a break from mugging. i am so so tired! and thanks to oni... i gotta re-print my hotel assignment again! (PS: SHE is the one who gave me that format! and now she say my format is not in the way she wants?!) *pissed*
last day of holidays... waiting for 3pm cos i wanna watch tv! HAHA have been studying lah~ (but getting nowhere!) jus like someone says... no quality mah~ (still quite irritated by it =P)
omg~~~ waiting for more holidays!
looking forward to march'08!
amy amy amy amy amy!!!!!!!!! =D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D
life is just so cool with amy chan and my friends!