Wednesday, June 20, 2007: 10:57 AM
so happy. today's my 18th birthday already. haha i woke up at 8.30 so that i can have breakfast w my dad at BEDOK (for sh's info.... bedok is at the other end of the green mrt line.) haiz... then i got a pair of blue trail slipper from him cos i keep bugging him until he bth. haha. i got 20 cash from him also. haha.
guess wat? i woke up in the morning and i found a present on my "working place" (the place where i put my laptop. haha) it's from my tenant jie jie n gok gok. haha see below->
so cute.... it's smth i buo le very long liao.. but nv got the determination to bring it home... v ex cum abit no use. haha..... paiseh i very practical one.
i dragged my cousin out today... to chinatown (to get my mochi. i doubt the canteen auntie got them in her store.) and to lot 1 to get my lighter....
this yellow staff (18 also) haha is very professional lo. unlike those at tamp one. tho she say her engraving skill very good one.... i still dun believe lo. fortunately i din let her touch the lighter in the end. haahahaha..... i only let her engrave the dog tag. haha. so i ended up buying so much from yellow ->
haha but nvm... it's my birthday afterall. i should spoil myself a little right? haha. and like wat i said. i'm gonna try smokin when i'm 18. so i bought malboro from inter and took the whole stick. no kick not fun. yucks. so that's my stick below ->
thanks for the birthday wishes......
birthday wishes on friendster...
- joanna (pri sch friend)
- candy
- ng shihui (poly friend)
- junlong (poly friend)
- huisi (poly friend)
- yeening (pri sch to sec sch friend)
- kyechin (poly friend)
birthday wishes via sms...
- fangying (sec sch friend)
- ng shihui (poly friend)
- lishean (sec sch friend)
- alicia (cousin)
- xiuyun
- mabel (sec sch friend)
- shuqi low (sec sch friend)
- dorcas (poly friend)
- tweety
- shihui chen (poly friend)
- shuqi ng (sec sch friend)
- shufen (sec sch friend)
- candy
- linda (god ma)
- siauling (pri sch friend)
- ivy (poly friend)
- singh (sec sch friend)
- wanyu (pri sch to sec sch friend)
birthday wishes on msn...
- elna
- huilin (poly friend)
- dorcas (poly friend)
... forget le. too many to rmb
in short, thanks for the birthday wishes... muacks