Sunday, June 17, 2007: 3:21 PM
once again... me n shihui met up for PROJ and as usual, we met at the same old place - mac.
haha. the funny part was we cannot think of anythink to write until.... shihui went to the mao ce ( toilet ) then i have ling gan and when shihui came back from mao ce, she also started to have ling gan.
thanks to jay chou for having the song wu ding. haha
our song - title-less
有时茫然 有时迷惑
幸好身边有你 我就不会感到无助
有时无奈 有时不安
幸好身边有你 我就不会感到害怕
朋友是苦苦的巧克力 意见不合时就生气
却发现你的好心意 真不应该乱发脾气
朋友是甜甜的巧克力 只有你特别有心意
陪我快乐陪我哭泣 这份友情我真珍惜!
陪我快乐是谁 是你
陪我难过是谁 是你
so, that's our song. after finishing it, we went shopping haha. just walking ard aimlessly. then we saw ->
how nice.
so tired... good nite =)