Saturday, June 16, 2007: 8:32 AM
i got chocolates from tweety ( a amy's fan i noe from online ). see, she's so nice still rmb my bdae. happy-ing.
i got this from OSIM. haha yes, it's the health care product. ok, i got this u-zap i think last yr and i got a membership free. haha. anybody needs the discount voucher???
it's a email from SAMSUNG. haha i got a samsung phone if u realised. haha
and this is from dorcas and shihui. so sad lah when i got this. haha but i dunno why... i'm still havin it now. haha i know they are jus kidding so...... i'm waiting for my real presents... haha =P
the watch is from lishean and yeechuan. oops i feel so bad cos i forgot yeechuan's bdae but she rmbs mine. and i dun even have a belated prsent for her. but nvm..... i will make it up next yr. hahaa....
this is from.... yee ning and yichen. haha. happpy.... hhaaapppppyyyyyyy. muacks
thanks a lot man. haha