Monday, May 19, 2008: 10:10 AM
my nv shen!!!
i saw MS SOH BEE PHENG on saturday!
at tampiness mall!
so that day i was sitting 67 from CCK to tm... jus to save 50cents
i noe i'm stupid but anyway... HAHA
when i past that bus stop i was feeling very weird leh... then i tot i was insane... so i din bother
but then when i went eating with lishean, i saw her!!! LOL
super long time nv see her le lo! missed her so much...
but the main point is... i saw her! and i got my photos with lishean!
i'm so happy to have a pretty friend! =)
i took 100++ pics of her lah! LOL
after seeing ms soh....
i saw ms leong -.-, v ang=.=, and ma laoshi==.==...
and OLD ZHENG =D!!!
ooh.. that was TMSCO handover... LOL
super sian lah!
i noe china chinese teachers are rich..
but that was not neccessary...
and i think i fell sick on sat.... =.=