so.. we had welcome party in singapore hokkien hui guan. it was fun.. i think...
but it was TOO loud for my ears =(
anyway i didn't really enjoy after the pair who sang SHE de song and the china girl behind me who shoot shihui. i dun like her...
i have never seen a guy so irritating, show no sense of gentlemen-ilty, show no sense of politeness, show no respect for senior and act big, and act clever, and ROAR i jus dislike him!!!
ok nvm! lazy to waste my breath on him
now must talk about the one i like.... L change the world!!!
wanna see his pic? click on the picture at the side!
so look alike lah!!! he is polite and nice compared to the (*&^%$#@
dun forget oni!!
she video recording thru out the whole party lah! which includes our face inside also...
she is taking cannon ixus 80... pink color de.. LOL
OH not to forget her very sweet pose that so posed for ms stone to take a photo for her. =.= total diao-ness. so sorry that i didn't have time to take a photo of the one and only moment of the century! HAHA but i was quick enuf to call shihui to see it. LOL
chenying was glam! and forever so nice.
after that i went to buy a scissors for DESMOND!
see.... i'm so nice....
look at hte pic below!!! so nice rite? pure silver de leh...
i am jus so nice... =.= HAHA!
so i went home quite late ytd.... and meet some ******s. as usual, they are irritating.... always banging and pushing... and they look like they goona touch u anytime! omg!! jus dun like them... that is also one of the reasons i went CHS. LOL
suan le... gg to do things for dorcas le... bye!