Monday, May 19, 2008: 9:57 PM
my day
my day started with me waking up like 大病初愈 like tt.
haven been sleeping well.
but i mus say...
i will sleep well!
cos i got my amy show @ 75$ instead of the usual 160$
and the 2nd thing is,
ah bob say my pic is nice thou that one is not used to be handed in.
but he said it's nice!
i bought 3 dv tapes today @ 10$
everyone rather spend more than to go mustafa
but i then dun wan lo...
everyone can still pay more to cover my share
so that i no nid to pay
note: the experience of passing by little india by bus and by motor is completely diff! oh my!
my day ends here....
i dated zhou gong tonite.. BYE
i'm still angry with mediacorp for saving on my 30 sec trailer!