Saturday, November 10, 2007: 8:23 AM
feeling good
ok recently i'm feeling good cos....
1. i'm doing an essay on my IDOL so got good to write and mus write until very nice cos it's my IDOL but then... i neglect mr kok cos i concentrated too much on amy. i kept improvising the essay.
2. i'm in charge of doing ppt for 2 projs and it gives me an excuse to research on lesser stuff. that's not the main thing btw. the main thing is i get to do wat i like. haha can u like imagine me doing the ppt when i finally become a tcher? omg lah... the kids will go wth-ing. haha
3. i'm in charge of editing a video. something i LIKE. thou it's damn SHORT lah but still short is better than dun have. i can't help to stop editing. ahaha
r u wondering why am i only feeling good when there's so many things to make me happy?
haha let me tell u....
世界上有一种毒是无药可救的…… the GREEN VIRUS.
2 out of 5
cold ( core ) modules are taught by her.
can u imagine how cold is it?
btw, so what's the hot modules?
seriously worrying since what we do is all wrong.