Thursday, November 1, 2007: 3:57 PM
IDIOT~ spoil my mood today. go scroll down and see wat smooses wore today.
same pattern of clothes that amy wore. 2 different person with 2 different charisma..... so one of them ended up spoiling the beautiful dress. and it's so obvious which she i am refering to.
HAHA btw... yufan gotta learn her lesson not to wear that same black skinnies to sch ever again. if not she will nagged by people till she dies. HAHA
hahah can u imagine... shihui ng keep OMG-ing and nagging yufan all the way from cheers to the class. HAHA oh ya she keot tsk-ing also. LOL
below is the 2 shihui talking about yufan and her super skinny legs...
HAHA me and dorcas and ivy..... walking behind them watching the 2 shihui complaining... HAHA