Tuesday, September 4, 2007: 9:28 PM
first, you should have done the decorations long time ago or at least before you asked us to meet. it should not be us sitiing down there watching the ugly girls to deco the place. wat's worst? the ppl doesn't even noe which switch is for which bloody light. we were there to witness you guys testing the switches. should it be that way?
second, you shold run through the bloody thing first before giving ur damn idiotic comment. note it down, run thru it, let everybody know what's happening then brief us. it saves more time like that and it's difinately more efficient.
things like the ppt should be confirmed LONG time ago and u wanna edit at the very last min? haha so funny so efficient.
it's near 5.u should like ask us if we r hungry. or at least be apologitic cos u haven started the rehersal. i mean how can u expect us, esp me, to wait for u to finish ur bloody comment when we r so hungry. haven't u heard of the saying, a hungry man is an angry man? PISSED plus plus, u should fight for the right for us to eat in the theatre. we will make sure it's clean. u expect us to be there on stand by and not to eat? u can't give us any promise to let us eat or break can u? u can't, so can't u let us eat in there so that we can be on stand by at anytime?
next, the lighting. if u want the audience to participate then swtich on the lights that shine on the audience lah. if the audience area is so dark, everyone is bond to fall asleep. anyway the prize is only chocolate, it's not like some mp3 or handphones...u will care to participate? btw, u want the stage to be so bright for wat? u either cant see the words or the background, it'll reflect the light u noe? it's physics. lighting means u get the audience to focus on some thing, dun u noe that? u wan them to focus on the MC for wat? it's not the MC who are guessing the deng mi u noe? it's the audience. plus... the audience area is so dark.. ohhh how i wish the helpers fall cos they can see the steps. freak.
if we were some celeb, try imagine how it will end up.
maybe u are too stupid to know.
so let me tell u.
u will be fired str away cos we will flare our anger and u r off.
u r already year 2 student and u dun noe how to organise stuff.
so inefficient and STUPID.
so wat u r senior, can't u take my suggestion? can't u like even try.
ooh pls.... i forgot u r stupid and idiotic.
so i shalln't flare my anger on u.