Tuesday, February 5, 2008: 8:48 PM
was doing ah liang de work jus now~
reminded by our da jie huisi.
mine is the SHORTEST! LOL
back to what i was saying...
ya lo~ a bit sadded.
but HAHA come to think of the boring holidays,
more sad than ever
but there's still TMSACO prac, and FOC to keep my alive.
and! my NDSL.
HAHA thanks to our nice cheapo and kc.... i got my dstt =D
after dl-ding more games, i got so addicted lah!!!
my mario kart, puzzle bobble, my dog- wenwen, and pool!!!
HAHA in loved~
ooh and i gotta send my lao gong to service le...
cd driver SPOIL! not working at all... sian~
cannot snip amy~ HAHA ( a skill learnt from garderner )
life of a student~ as free as ever!!!