Friday, November 23, 2007: 11:11 PM
today is tmsco de guan mo hui.
it used to be in the art room whr even tcher ICs are not there.
now, it has successfully upgraded to the hall with parents present to witness the POWER of our co memebers.
my sch again. i like the space there. =D
that's one of the tcher IC.
the 1st song is xiao bu wu qu.
2nd is ye qu, qian li zhi wai and ju hua tai.
then got color of the wind
lu xiao yu
long tang hu yue
and xiao bai nian.
so dui lian
our HUMBLE tcher ic actually asked for donation!!!
i was like.. wth???
she let the parents watch this kind of NICE performance and expect them to feel that it's worth it to invest/donate?
hello~~~ NKF gave wat kind of performance to get that amount of donation and you gave wat kind of performance to get donation???
dui lian.
luckily i graduated!